Our senior students are relishing the new set-up in their bespoke science lab. The tables have been removed and replaced with proper laboratory benches and stools for all. The extra room gives them the time and space to set up any projects that they may be working on.
Another bonus is being able to leave any ongoing experiments set up around the room to go back to next time they have a Science class.
This week they had ample room to get the microscopes out to study slides as they learnt more about the parts of blood and the functions of plasma and red and white blood cells. It is astonishing to hear the confidence with which our students are able to talk about the fundamentals of human biology.
The fish tank will soon be hosting some real fish to provide some company for Nemo the plaster fish. The children have been growing oxygen weed which is apparently “really easy to grow”, so the tank should be a very comfortable home for its new inhabitants.