This week, the Roving Reporter had the privilege of attending “Twelfth Night”, the Shakespeare play put on by our Year Seven students. The wearing of many hats – parent, staff member and audience member – meant that I had a 360-degree view of the amount of work that had gone into the production.

It can be summed up in one word – “Wow”. From the costumes to the make-up, the seamless stage changes to the lighting, it was a professional act of theatre put on for the lucky audience. The children had learnt their roles and perfected their delivery to the audience well with their articulation and projection skills at the fore.

The sense of community that goes hand in hand with a Ficino education was all too apparent. Several of our alumni were there as part of the crew, from prompting to lighting, stage changes and music. I also saw a few alumni and their parents in the audience which was neat to see. It was also nice to see everyone intermingling at the intermissions and enjoying the delectable spreads that Y7 parents had supplied.

Thank you to everyone who came to support the children. Thank you to the amazing staff who worked tirelessly and thank you to the parents who helped their children rehearse lines while also supporting the successful running of the event.

Mrs Nicole De Pina-Maharaj
Year 7 Parent (AKA The Roving Reporter)