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Mr Crompton Sets Out on 3,000km Challenge

School Principal, Mr Crompton, has set off on a 3,000 km journey to walk the Te Araroa Trail route stretching from Cape Reinga to Bluff. This is one of the world’s most diverse long-distance trails. All donations raised to support this challenge will go towards creating a dedicated Art space here at Ficino.

The school has received planning consent for this exciting project and we are awaiting building consent for the submitted plans. The Ficino Educational Foundation and Ficino School together have already committed $140,000 to this project, so we are on well on our way to our final goal of $210,000.

This is an exciting development for our growing school and will enable children from more year levels to use the new facility. This great addition will enhance our outstanding Arts programme for years to come.

If you would like to support Peter in his quest to raise funds for the building of our own Art Room, you can do so HERE