We invite you to take a tour of our school

The greatest gift you can give

Your Child


Primary school girl singing at carol service

Fees can be paid annually which attracts a 3% discount, or termly, prior to the start of each term or in 10 equal instalments through the year (February to November). Discounts apply for some payment structures, and for situations where one or more siblings are enrolled at the school.

Students are accepted formally in writing, and we endeavour to let you know as soon as possible whether your application has been successful. The bond is refunded in the term after your child leaves Ficino School, less any payments owing.

Please note: if you withdraw your child before commencing at Ficino School, or after commencing but without giving one term’s notice in writing to the principal, the bond will be forfeited.

2025 Ficino School fees (Domestic students)

Download our fees schedule for 2025 below: